Asia Pacific NDCs: Recommendations for Decision-Makers
Posted on July, 07 2021
WWF's assessment of the National Determined Contributions of 16 countries in the Asia Pacific region.
NDCs in the Asia Pacific region provide an important snapshot of the progress governments have made in responding to the climate crisis, ahead of the critical COP26 in November. They also serve as examples to the many countries in the region which are yet to submit revised NDCs.As part of our ‘NDCs We Want’ initiative, we have (so far) assessed sixteen of these NDCs in terms of their mitigation ambition, how they enable adaptation, if they present finance estimates and how they contribute to sustainable development and a green recovery, whether they were designed through a participatory process and are inclusive and the extent to which they allow progress to be tracked. None have made WWF’s top #NDCWeWant category.
Using this NDC checklist enables WWF to hold countries accountable and to shine a light on the main advances and challenges towards implementation of the Paris Agreement. The checklist is also used to open conversations with governments on how to improve NDCs – to lay foundations for a proper long-term response to the climate crisis. WWF also provides resources to support enhancing NDCs in several areas.
This paper brings together WWF's assessments to share the lessons learned and opportunities which can be harnessed for a green recovery in the wake of COVID-19.