REPORT: An Overview of Shark Utilisation in the Coral Triangle Region
Posted on September, 06 2012
The report, An Overview of Shark Utilization in the Coral Triangle Region, examines the catch, trade, and management of sharks in waters of the six Coral Triangle countries, plus the neighbouring countries of Vietnam and Fiji.
The report, An Overview of Shark Utilization in the Coral Triangle Region, examines the catch, trade, and management of sharks in waters of the six Coral Triangle countries, plus the neighbouring countries of Vietnam and Fiji.Despite long-standing global concerns on declining shark populations due to growing evidence that many shark species are threatened, shark populations continue to decline.
This is due to a general lack of even basic management, and is further exacerbated by illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing.
Some fisheries target sharks for their meat but the main driver of unsustainable fishing for sharks is currently the demand in Asia for fins, which are used in shark fin soup.
Today, the vast majority of shark products come from unsustainable sources, not just fins. Sharks are also heavily traded for their meat, skin, and liver oil.
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