543,723 people drew the line at the industrial destruction of the Great Barrier Reef. Together, we called on world leaders to defend World Heritage under threat. Now an end to dumping in this precious marine ecosystem is imminent.
© Istockphoto.com / WWF
It’s a World Heritage icon visible from space and home to 1,500 species of fish and 400 species of coral. 6 of the 7 species of marine turtles are found in the reef’s waters, along with other rare species like the dugong and the snubfin dolphin.
The reef also holds incredible economic value. It’s worth almost US$5.8 billion per year to the Australian economy and is the source of nearly 69,000 full-time jobs. Sustainable industries like tourism and fishing rely on a healthy reef.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Committee has voted to maintain pressure on Australia to deliver on its promise to restore the health of the Great Barrier Reef.
01 July 2015
A poll conducted in six countries shows widespread opposition to the potential industrial destruction of the reef, and strong support for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) holding the Australian government accountable for safeguarding it.
24 June 2015
A draft World Heritage Committee decision released today by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) cautions that significant threats to the Great Barrier Reef remain, and calls on Australia to report back on progress in 18 months.
29 May 2015
Next month the status of the Great Barrier Reef will be debated by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee. WWF-Australia and the Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) have issued list of urgent actions needed from the Queensland state and Australian federal governments before countries gather in Bonn, Germany for that meeting.
8 May 2015
WWF-Australia said the final Reef 2050 plan released today includes a number of good initiatives but the $100 million in new funding announced by the federal government falls short of what’s required to halt the Reef’s decline and remove the threat that it is listed ‘World Heritage in danger’.
21 March 2015
WWF today reaffirmed its call for a full ban on waste dumping in the entire reef World Heritage Site after the Australian government’s release of draft legislation to ban the dumping of dredge spoil in the smaller Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
16 March 2015
As judgement day nears for the Great Barrier Reef, the Australian government should legislate a federal ban on all industrial-scale dumping of dredge spoil in the fragile World Heritage Site, according to WWF and the Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS).
10 March 2015
Seabed dredging and the dumping of dredge spoil could cause disastrous impacts on the Great Barrier Reef. Australia should immediately ban all dumping in this fragile World Heritage Site.
9 February 2015
A new report by Dalberg Global Development Advisors finds that the risk posed by port expansions in the Great Barrier Reef is not worth taking for financial and environmental reasons.
9 February 2015
The report portrays the reef as remaining in good condition despite evidence from the government’s own scientists that it is suffering a serious decline in its health.
2 February 2015